Friday, November 25, 2005


Well, it looks like I'm joining quite a few of my dear friends to a new modblog refugee site. It's EFX2 blogs and forum. Some of you were right on it. Even Tio got there and posted before he could inform me of his plans. I was a bit reluctant to move yet again but with Tio's help my layout is just starting to look like my old modblog one sans the eagle feathers and a few other touches.(Tio/Jeff, you're so-o-o patient)

The owner Keith seems right on top of things and willing to hear suggestions on new features we want and is constantly developing,well according to what I read and hear about. I was wondering why I was not getting feedback or comments this morning. It was because my amigos/amigas were already playing with their new blog places.

Thanks ec for getting the Hop-scotch game started.I now can be found at:

new mercuriusblog

Tao-te Ching: Chapter Seventy Six

On this holiday weekend I've been dipping back into the reading of The Taoist texts.They are always a source to calm, inspire and renew.Some of you know that I currently care-give my Mom who has dementia. Recently she has been slipping further into the next stages of paranoia at times, more agitation, and some mild hallucinations.It has been hard to see a once vibrant and communicative dear person, now a shadow of her former Socorro-self. I've taken first steps to gather even more forces to assist me when I had my first visit from the Caregiver's Alliance people on Wednesday. It was long overdue.

The Tao-te Ching assists to groom vitality, energy, and spirit much needed presently I would say. This chapter indicates a paradox in which mastery is accomplished not by assertion but by flexibility.This flexibility is critical right now for myself and I'm pretty sure for others as well in their day-to-day actions and interactions.Just think about it.

When People Are Born

When people are born they are supple,
and when they die they are stiff.
When trees are born they are tender,
and when they die they are brittle.
Stiffness is thus a cohort of death,
flexibility is a cohort of life.
So when an army is strong,
it does not prevail.
When a tree is strong,
it is cut for use.
So the stiff and strong are below,
the supple and yielding on top.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Part poem repost, part re-working, part recollection this is. I'm still healing up some injury spots in the body so I'm doing more stretches and Pilates.Trance dance is how I first started becoming aware of the channels and winds in my body, letting go of volitional control of my body and simply letting the winds move me as they flowed through my inner channels. If I do the same thing without music, my body starts to stretch itself, one part of my body at a time as each channel tries to open itself so that energy can flow through it freely. Each part of my body follows the path of least resistance as the channels untangle themselves. I think of it as a kind of formless yoga per se. Whatever stretches my body does on one side it always does on the other. It is very thorough and will often go on for quite awhile until seemingly every channel has been worked.


Lumen alignment
slants this body
No map, just following
to grab the psych-escape
and lose the Fear

My bones, my body
waits for that Other
to pull me into rhythm
That tide to roam
and bare a mustang soul

Claiming the Wisdom
of smoked burgundy blood
Ecstatic flow
Then a twitch takes me
beyondblack to star-eyed pitch
Graces and ever-so petrol
twirls and burns ashwhite
Speaks in movements
of knowing


To make the eagle fly
extract the Light from the darkness.
Separate the spider from its web,
the butterfly from its sheath
Know also.
Exact preparation requires an able spirit
sweat and labor applied
to cause the bird to fly
and the Mercury to rise sublime.
Value the Work
and the spark in all things.


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Shadow Changes Into Bone

Well, here I found myself after Modblog went down once again for duo días. Two days without blogging and I grew impatient. But blog I must and even if my first home returns to normalcy, I'll still keep this as my second blog

I noticed when creating my blog here that my mercurius name was not available because it was in the system already but as my first mercurius incarnation at modblog. What was that about? Then I realized that I had been multitudinously "googled" (and once more for feeling) after three years "blogging" and since Google owns blogger...exactly.

It took me quite awhile to settle on this name. I was going for a Latin-ized name in keeping with mercurius. But what to use? Geminus for twinned or gemino for to double? I've got those four planets in Gemini I figured. Resumo, renovo, mutatio, replicado, de novo? Nothing quite said it and it became ridiculo. Good thing I'm not getting any tattoos soon for it would be the same thing with them. Settling on the Spanish for echo since that's what I might be doing here, mercuriuseco it shall be.
