Monday, November 21, 2005


Part poem repost, part re-working, part recollection this is. I'm still healing up some injury spots in the body so I'm doing more stretches and Pilates.Trance dance is how I first started becoming aware of the channels and winds in my body, letting go of volitional control of my body and simply letting the winds move me as they flowed through my inner channels. If I do the same thing without music, my body starts to stretch itself, one part of my body at a time as each channel tries to open itself so that energy can flow through it freely. Each part of my body follows the path of least resistance as the channels untangle themselves. I think of it as a kind of formless yoga per se. Whatever stretches my body does on one side it always does on the other. It is very thorough and will often go on for quite awhile until seemingly every channel has been worked.


Lumen alignment
slants this body
No map, just following
to grab the psych-escape
and lose the Fear

My bones, my body
waits for that Other
to pull me into rhythm
That tide to roam
and bare a mustang soul

Claiming the Wisdom
of smoked burgundy blood
Ecstatic flow
Then a twitch takes me
beyondblack to star-eyed pitch
Graces and ever-so petrol
twirls and burns ashwhite
Speaks in movements
of knowing

1 comment:

The Moomin said...

another mind-cleansing post.

i wish i had more contact with my esotherical side.